Home Local News Room : No funds for paying gratuity to retiring public servants

News Room : No funds for paying gratuity to retiring public servants


By Saman Indrajith

There was a delay in releasing funds for the payment of gratuity to retiring government employees due to the current economic crisis and a large number of persons had been placed awaiting list, Director General of Pensions Jagath D. Dias told the Ministerial Consultative Committee on Public Administration.

“All payments up to January 2022 have been made. The Treasury has agreed to release the money required for payments from January 2022 up to the end of the year,” he said.

The Director General of Pensions added that due to the lowering of the retirement age to 60 years, they would receive a large number of new pension applications after 31 December 2022. He said that a special programme has been prepared to provide the basic pension to all of them, promptly.

Attention was also directed to solve the problems of employees who have worked for a long time in local government institutions. Steps will be taken to appoint a special committee to recommend further measures, State Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government, Janaka Wakkumbura said.

Meanwhile Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena has given instructions to officials that the annual reports of the public institutions, which are often delayed, should be submitted to the Parliament on time. It was also decided to inform all government institutions to submit delayed reports to the Parliament as soon as possible.

The Prime Minister’s plan to convert a number of Urban Councils into Municipal Councils was also discussed at the meeting. Member of Parliament Mano Ganesan requested to increase the divisional secretariats in the Nuwara Eliya district. The Ministry officials agreed to discuss this matter and report the matter to the committee.

State Minister of Home Affairs Ashoka Priyantha, State Ministers Shantha Bandara, Indika Anuruddha, Anupa Pasqual and Committee Members Ranjith Madduma Bandara, J. C. Alawathuwala, Jayantha Ketagoda, Sudath Manjula, Members of Parliament Mano Ganesan, Chandima Weerakkody, Yadamini Gunawardena, H. M. M. Harees, Rohana Bandara, Madhura Withanage, Charles Nirmalanathan, Gunathilaka Rajapaksha, officials representing the Ministry and affiliated institutions were also present at this committee meeting.


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