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News Room : Scarring Alopecia affects both men and women – The Island


Dr. David VegaDiaz dermatologist Specialist in  Charge of the Trichology Unit University Hospital Madrid Spain was in Sri Lanka recently . He held discussions with many local dermatologist on Scarring Alopecia from diagnosis to treatment at the Shangri-La Hotel This seminar was organised by Genove Dermalife in Sri lanka He spoke to ‘Sunday Island’ on Scarring Alopecia or hair loss a ailment which affects both men and women in all parts of the world

(Q) What is Scarring Alopecia?

(A) Scarring Alopecia is hair loss caused by hair follicle destruction

It is usually due to the result of inflammatory disorders. Sometimes it’s due to skin injuries, burns or certain medical treatments. Scarring Alopecia causes permanent hair loss because hair can’t regrow after the follicle is destroyed.

(Q:) What are the some of the effects of Scarring Alopecia?

(A:) Scarring Alopecia can affect any part of your body that has hair, but commonly affects the scalp. Visible hair loss can also have emotional and psychological effects especially among women. In certain countries most people take to to suicide as a final solution.

(Q:)Difference between scarring and non-scarring Alopecia?

(A:) Scarring Alopecia is permanent hair loss due to hair follicle destruction. In non Scarring Alopecia hair may fall out or get thinner but most times hair follicle is not destroyed. So this ailment may be temporary and your hair can sometimes grow back. And non scarring Alopecia also referred called male or female pattern baldness is the most common type of non-scarring Alopecia

(Q:) It this contagious?

(A:) Scarring Alopecia is contagious, but you can’t get from person to person.

(Q:) Who are mostly affected man or women?

(A:) Anyone can get Scarring Alopecia. It tends to affect adults more than children.

(Q:) Can cancer treatment cause scarring Alopecia?

(A:) Yes Chemotherapy can cause hair loss. But chemotherapy doesn’t lead to scarring Alopecia. Some of the drugs used can cause cells in your hair follicle to die. So hair falls out. But the follicle itself isn’t destroyed, so hair can usually grow back after chemotherapy. Radiation therapy on the other hand can cause secondary scarring Alopecia. Some people get skin burns from radiation therapy that permanently destroy the follicle. Hair loss is the main symptom of many kinds of hair loss. It usually causes hair loss, meaning you lose hair in patches Hair loss might start slowly and happen gradually over many years and sometimes start suddenly and progress quickly

(Q:) Is there a cure for scarring Alopecia?

(A) There isn’t a cure for scarring Alopecia. Treatments aims to manage symptoms and stop hair loss. Some of the recent cosmetic treatments can improve the appearance of baldness

(Q:) Is hair transplant good for scarring Alopecia?

(A:) hair transplant is not good for people with scarring Alopecia, anyway check with your doctor

(Q:) Is there any age for this disease ?

(A:) Scarring Alopecia. can affect any age it is not usually seen in children. It can occur in both men and women. A common form of scarring Alopecia affects most menopausal women.

(Q:) Can tight hairstyle cause Scarring Alopecia

(A:) Tightness develops traction Alopecia if you often wear your hair in a light pony tail, burn or use bands. Scarring Alopecias affect individual of all age. Some scarring Alopecias are more likely to develop after age 35 and some are more likely to develop before age 35. The chairman Ajantha Vidanarchchi of Genove Dermatologics Derma life in Sri Lanka organised the seminar.


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