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News Room : Action Sought Against Archchuna for Sexually Violent Remark Towards Lawyer Swasthika Arulingam in Parliament


Leader of the House Bimal Rathnayake today (17) requested the Speaker to take action against independent MP Ramanathan Archchuna for making a sexually derogatory remark against human rights lawyer and MP Swasthika Arulingam during a recent parliamentary sittings.

Citing Standing Order 91(g), Rathnayake noted that derogatory words and insults can be expunged from the Hansard at the Speaker’s discretion.

“The remark directed at Swasthika Arulingam was of an extremely violent sexual nature. I will not read the full text here, but this is a clear violation of Standing Orders and an unacceptable statement. I urge the Speaker to enforce the relevant Standing Order or take appropriate action against the conduct of this MP,” Rathnayake stated.


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